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Deploy MLflow Model

MLflow Models can be deployed in a suitable container in a configured Kubernetes cluster using Concurrent for MLflow

DeepSpeed Models

Concurrent for MLflow Deployment includes optimzation using DeepSpeed. The following is an example of using DeepSpeed optimization as part of the deployment

Step 1: Log Huggingface Model

In this step, we turn the google/t5-v1_1-small Huggingface model for a text2text-generation pipeline into an MLflow model

git clone
cd logmodel/llama2-7b-chat-hf

Step 2: Registered MLflow Model

In this step, we register the artifact logged in step 1 as a Registered MLflow Model

Use the MLflow GUI to register the model artifact from the run in step 1, as a MLflow Registered Model. In this example, we use the name llama2-7b-chat-hf and the version is 1

Step 3: Deploy model

We now deploy the model using the concurrent-deployment target

In the following example, the cluster name is parallels-free and the namespace is nsforconcurrent

mlflow deployments create --target concurrent-deployment -C kube-context=parallels-free -C kube-namespace=nsforconcurrent -C resources.requests.cpu=3000m -C resources.requests.memory=6000Mi -C -C backend_type=gke -C optimizer-technology=deepspeed --name deepspeed-test-5 --model-uri models:/llama2-7b-chat-hf/1

Note the following:

  • Kubernetes Cluster is parallels-free
  • Kubernetes Namespace is nsforconcurrent
  • Requested CPU: 3000m
  • Requested Memory: 6000Mi
  • Requested Nvidia GPU: 1
  • Backend Type: GKE
  • Optimizer Technology: DeepSpeed

Step 4: List Deployments

We can now list the newly deployed model

mlflow deployments list --target concurrent-deployment

The output is likely to be something such as

List of all deployments:
['docker-dind', 'mlflow-deploy-deployment-79-16903256617600000000132']

Step 5: Create Endpoint

Create an endpoint for the newly created deployment

$ mlflow deployments update-endpoint -t concurrent-deployment --endpoint mlflow-deploy-deployment-79-16903256617600000000132
PluginConcurrentDeploymentClient.create_endpoint: posting {'name': 'mlflow-deploy-deployment-79-16903256617600000000132'} to
Endpoint mlflow-deploy-deployment-79-16903256617600000000132 is updated

Step 6: Test Endpoint

Now use kubectl to list the service and its availability state:

$ kubectl -n nsforconcurrent get services
NAME                                                TYPE           CLUSTER-IP    EXTERNAL-IP     PORT(S)          AGE
docker-dind                                         ClusterIP   <none>          2375/TCP         162d
mlflow-deploy-endpoint-79-16903256617600000000132   LoadBalancer   8080:30627/TCP   41s
As you can see above, the mlflow deployment mlflow-deploy-endpoint-79-16903256617600000000132 is listening on public IP port 8080

You can invoke it as follows:

$ curl -X POST -H "Content-Type:application/json; format=pandas-split" --data '{"columns":["text", "junk"],"data":[["This is lousy weather", "j1"], ["This is great weather", "j2"]]}'
[{"generated_text": "cial, and this post has acial about this this story is about"}, {"generated_text": "."}]