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Add namespace to Kubernetes Cluster for Concurrent

This page describes the process for creating a new namespace called newnsforconcurrent for use by Concurrent.

Create namespace

kubectl create namespace newnsforconcurrent

k8s Roles/ServiceAccounts

Next, we will configure two Kubernetes ServiceAccounts k8s-serviceaccount-for-parallels-NAMESPACE and k8s-serviceaccount-for-users-NAMESPACE. The first ServiceAccount is for the Concurrent bootstrap job, which creates the Docker container required for the MLproject and the second is for the Concurrent worker code. We will also associate each ServiceAccount with a Role that provides it the required permissions.


  • k8s-serviceaccount-for-parallels-NAMESPACE
    • This service account is used by a pod to build docker images, to start kubernetes jobs and other operations needed to execute the concurrent pipeline.
  • k8s-serviceaccount-for-users-NAMESPACE
    • This service account is used by a pod in the concurrent pipeline to collect its own logs, to check the status of the main container in the pod and others.


  • k8s-role-for-concurrent-bootstrap: This role is for the ServiceAccount k8s-serviceaccount-for-parallels-NAMESPACE and is used by Concurrent bootstrap to create the Docker container if necessary
  • k8s-role-for-users-: This role is for the ServiceAccount k8s-serviceaccount-for-users-NAMESPACE and is used by user code from the MLproject

Download the following policy template:


Modify the role to reflect the new name. In the following example, we are creating a new namespace called newnsforconcurrent:

sed -e 's/REPLACE_WITH_NEW_NAMESPACE_NAME/newnsforconcurrent/g' new-namespace-template.yaml > new-namespace.yaml

Apply to the kubernetes cluster

kubectl apply -f new-namespace.yaml