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Add a Kubernetes Role for Pods/Jobs started by Concurrent for MLflow

Concurrent utilizes two roles in each namespace:

  • A role with high privileges for system components to run
  • A low privilege role for user code to run in

This page describes how these two roles can be created. The example namespace used here is parallelsns.

Privileged Role

Create a privileged k8s role for system components and bind this role to a k8s ServiceAccount

Cluster wide k8s role for system components

This cluster wide role needs to be created only once per cluster, at the time of creation of the first namespace.

Download the yaml file k8s-role-for-parallels.yaml from here. Apply this yaml file to your cluster

Here's an example for a Regional cluster:

gcloud container clusters get-credentials <your_regional_cluster_name_here> --zone=us-central1
Fetching cluster endpoint and auth data.
kubeconfig entry generated for <your_regional_cluster_name_here>
kubectl apply -f k8s-role-for-parallels.yaml created created

and this is an example for a Zonal cluster:

gcloud container clusters get-credentials <your_zonal_cluster_name_here> --zone=us-central1-c
Fetching cluster endpoint and auth data.
kubeconfig entry generated for <your_zonal_cluster_name_here>
kubectl apply -f k8s-role-for-parallels.yaml created created

Create a namespace called parallelsns

Create a namespace called parallelsns, and a ServiceAccount called k8s-serviceaccount-for-parallels-parallelsns

In this example, we create a namespace called parallelsns in k8s and configure it for use with Concurrent for MLflow

kubectl create namespace parallelsns
namespace/parallelsns created

Create a ServiceAccount called k8s-serviceaccount-for-parallels-parallelsns

Download the yaml file k8s-service-role.yaml from here. Apply this yaml file to your cluster

kubectl apply -f k8s-service-role.yaml 
serviceaccount/k8s-serviceaccount-for-parallels-parallelsns created created

Low Privilege Role for user code

Download the yaml file user-role.yaml from here. Apply this yaml file to your cluster

kubectl apply -f user-role.yaml created
serviceaccount/k8s-serviceaccount-for-users-parallelsns created created